Getting your cholesterol levels checked is an important part of staying healthy. High cholesterol increases your risk for heart disease and stroke, two leading causes of death in the UK. Knowing your cholesterol status can help you stay in control of your health. 

With early detection of high cholesterol, you can typically reduce and control high cholesterol by eating a healthy diet, exercising, and living a healthy lifestyle. 

Cholesterol Blood Test

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a substance in your blood that, when too high, can increase your risk of heart disease. Cholesterol is a waxy substance and when there is too much of it is in your blood, you can develop fatty deposits in your blood cells. To keep cholesterol levels down, it is vital to maintain a healthy lifestyle including diet and exercise. 

Who Should Get a Blood Test for Cholesterol?

Sometimes you can be genetically predisposed to high cholesterol and heart disease, meaning that, despite your best efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you may still be at risk. Due to hereditary factors, high cholesterol may be something for you to monitor regardless of the effort you make.  Suppose you have a family history of high cholesterol or heart disease. In that case, it is wise for you to have regular Cholesterol Blood Tests to determine whether you have High Blood Cholesterol.   

Cholesterol Blood Test

A Cholesterol Blood Test consists of a sample of your blood taken from your arm that is analysed for fat content. This is also called a lipid test or lipid panel test. Most blood tests for cholesterol do not require any special preparations and can be completed with either a prick to the finger or by drawing blood from your arm. In some cases, you may have to have a Cholesterol Fasting Test, in which case this cholesterol blood test requires fasting for approximately 12 hours prior to your blood test.  

Anna Pharmacy Group offers Cholesterol Tests at our pharmacies serving areas: Carshalton, Sutton, Hackbridge, Wallington & Croydon. Contact us and speak to our knowledgeable, professional, and friendly staff of Pharmacists for information on our phlebotomy services and advice on Cholesterol Blood Tests.