The HPV Vaccine: Age Guidelines and Recommendations

The HPV Vaccine: Age Guidelines and Recommendations

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a prevalent virus that can lead to serious health issues, including certain types of cancer and genital warts. It’s a common virus transmitted through skin contact, primarily during intimate moments.

While most HPV strains are harmless, some are linked to serious health conditions. This is where the HPV vaccine becomes a crucial tool in protecting ourselves against preventable diseases.

Let’s discuss the age guidelines and recommendations surrounding the HPV vaccine to better equip ourselves in the fight against HPV-related illnesses.

What is the HPV Vaccine?

The HPV vaccine protects against human papillomavirus (HPV), a common virus transmitted through skin contact, often during sexual activity. The vaccine works by stimulating the body’s immune system to produce antibodies against specific strains of HPV, reducing the likelihood of infection. It is typically administered in a series of doses over several months, as recommended by healthcare professionals.

Why Should You Get an HPV Vaccine?

Here are some reasons why getting the HPV vaccine is crucial-

  • While many HPV strains are harmless, some are associated with higher risks of specific cancers:
    • Cervical cancer
    • Mouth cancer
    • Anal cancer
    • Penile cancer
    • Vulval cancer
    • Vaginal cancer
  • Additionally, HPV can lead to the development of genital warts.

When to Get the HPV Vaccine?

HPV vaccine age limit recommends the HPV vaccine for children aged 12 to 13, as well as those who are at high risk of HPV-related complications. It’s important to adhere to HPV vaccine age guidelines to safeguard your health and well-being.

Who Should Get an HPV Vaccine?

According to HPV vaccine age protocol, these are the ones who should get an HPV vaccine-

  1. Children Aged 12 to 13
  • All children aged 12 to 13 (in school year 8) are offered the HPV vaccine.
  • If you missed vaccination at ages 12 or 13, the HPV vaccine is available for free on the NHS for-
  • All girls under 25
  • Boys born after 1 September 2006
  1. Men Under 45 Who Have Sex With Men
  • Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are at higher risk from HPV.
  • If you’re a man under 45 who has sex with men and you visit a sexual health or HIV clinic, you can get vaccinated against HPV.
  • You’re eligible for the vaccine up until your 45th birthday.
  1. Other People at Higher Risk from HPV

The HPV vaccine is sometimes recommended for other individuals at higher risk from HPV, including-

  • Transgender individuals with a similar risk to men who have sex with men
  • Sex workers
  • People with HIV

Who Cannot Have an HPV Vaccine?

As per the HPV vaccine age recommendation, eligibility for HPV vaccine states that-

  • Most people who are eligible for the HPV vaccine can receive it.
  • Exceptions exist for individuals who have experienced a severe allergic reaction to a previous dose of the vaccine or any of its ingredients.

Safety Considerations During Pregnancy

  • There is no evidence suggesting harm associated with receiving the HPV vaccine during pregnancy.
  • However, it may be advisable to wait until after delivery to receive the vaccine, as a precautionary measure.
  • Importantly, the HPV vaccine is considered safe for mothers who are breastfeeding, providing them with an opportunity to protect themselves against HPV-related health risks.

Get HPV Vaccine at Anna Pharmacy

It’s essential to take early steps to protect your health against HPV-related illnesses. By adhering to recommended guidelines for HPV vaccination, you’re actively reducing the risks associated with HPV strains linked to cancer and genital warts.
At Anna Pharmacy, we encourage you to contact us about the HPV vaccine and consult with our team of professionals. Your well-being is our priority, and we’re here to support you in making informed decisions about your health. Take charge of your health today by considering the HPV vaccine as part of your preventive healthcare routine.