Where and How to Get Your Child COVID-19 Vaccinated, Ages 5-11

Where and How to Get Your Child COVID-19 Vaccinated, Ages 5-11

The COVID-19 vaccination programme has been pretty clear for adults but for the under 18s, it has been a confusing picture. Child vaccination protocols have altered regularly and have also depended on the age of the child. If you want to find out more about COVID-19 vaccination foryour child, then contact Anna Pharmacy for professional and expert advice and easy access appointments for vaccinations.

Recent media reports have confirmed that Covid cases are rising rapidly in young children but the government policy in the UK has been to only offer the COVID-19 vaccination to young people aged 12-15.

Government advice is to vaccinate children between the ages of 5-11 only if they are at high risk should they contract the disease. This includes children with:

  • Neurodisabilties
  • Multiple or severe learning disabilities
  • Down’s syndrome
  • Immunosuppression or if they live with someone who is immuno suppressed as this runs the risk of passing the illness onto family members

The decision whether or not to have the COVID-19 vaccination foryour childshould be based on a holistic assessment of their mental and physical health and educational profile. This will also include the people they live with and their health needs too.

Which vaccination is a child aged 5-11 offered?

Children aged between 5-11 are offered the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at a third of the dose of vaccines given to older children and adults. The child will require two doses of the vaccine which are usually given 8 weeks apart.

Common Side Effects

Any vaccine given to a child can cause side effects, but these are not usually as serious as contracting the actual disease.

Young children may feel unwell for two or three days with flu-like symptoms, so aches and pains and perhaps a slight temperature. Sometimes their arm will ache where the injection has been administered. These side effects are all easily managed with rest and anti-inflammatories appropriate to their age. To find out more about the COVID-19 vaccination contact Anna Pharmacy to discuss your child’s needs and whether the COVID-19 vaccination is appropriate for your child. Every child is different, and their vaccination needs will vary. Speak to the experts at Anna Pharmacy.